Speed Training for Youth Athletes

I never had a gift of speed, and when I was growing up there wasn’t much information for speed training for youth athletes. My kids are now at an age where they are starting to play competitively. The first few years of sports is all about introducing the kids to the game, making sure they are having fun, and teaching them the basics.

As kids get older, sports will start getting more competitive. Score will actually be kept, and the competition of other kids will start getting better. Even if you aren’t playing on a super competitive team, like a travel team, you will start noticing that some kids just naturally stick out. 

Some kids are just naturally built stronger and faster than other kids, and it really separates them from their peers. Speed is used in practically every sport. Whether its running from base to base in baseball, getting to a ball before another kid in soccer or basketball, or outrunning the other team in football, speed matters.

This article is designed to help understand different opportunities for speed training for youth athletes. Even if your kid is playing a sport casually, there are things you can do, and encourage to help them get faster.

Speed Training for Youth Athletes

First thing first, if you want to run fast, then you have to RUN FAST. Regardless of the drill you are working on, it’s important to encourage your athletes to run as fast as they can. Kids are still developing, and sometimes they slow down to think about a specific drill. That is alright at first, but once the kids understand what they are supposed to do, encourage them to do it as fast as they can. 

Speed training for youth athletes doesn’t have to be complicated. Kids dont even have to know they are working on their speed. Try to have some drills lined up in your practice plan that are simple and work on speed. 

In baseball I like to run the bases at the end of practice. The first few times with the younger kids, you may need to tell them which way to run, however by the second or third time around you need to make sure they all know to run as fast as they can around the bases. Practicing running fast will make you faster.

In basketball or soccer I would recommend a game like ‘Steal the bacon’ where kids are racing against each other to reach the ball first. You would be amazed how much faster kdis run, if there is a prize at the end of running.

For football most kids have incentive to run fast because they want to avoid a tackle! I have noticed a huge improvement in my son’s speed after this season of football because he’s had to run with all those pads on!

Speed Training for Youth Athletes ADVANCED

Sometimes the basics for speed training for youth athletes isn’t enough. Especially as the competition increases as kids get older. In this case you may want to get a little more specific or advanced on your speed training. 

Before you go pay a speed coach there is an advanced step you can take to increase your kids speed and agility. You may find yourself buying some equipment like a ladder or hurdles for drills. 

There is a ton of free information on different drills for speed training for youth athletes. Some of the main muscle groups for kids to get faster are hip flexors, quads, calf muscles and hamstrings. Doing drills that focus on these leg muscles will help kids get faster.

Speed training for youth athletes requires not only strength, but also requires flexibility and endurance. As kids develop it’s important to make sure you aren’t spending as much time with weights, but you want to make sure you are working on body weight movements to improve strength and flexibility. 

Here is one of my favorite videos to use for speed training for speed training for youth athletes.

What drills are good for speed training for youth Athletes?

Before you start doing speed training drills its important to warm up your muscles. Go on a quick jog, stretch your legs and get ready to train as hard as you can!

3 of my favorite drills for speed training for youth athletes are below. They are body weight exercises that are easy to perform.

Squats – Squats fill focus on hamstring quads and hip flexor strength and flexibility. As kids get a little older, you can start working on jump squats.

Lunges – This will focus on quads, hip flexors and hamstrings. Like squats you can transition to jump lunges once your athlete is ready.

Tuck Jumps – This works really well on the hip flexors. Jumping will help kids explode up and build strength and movement. 

Please note, when you are doing the explosion jumps it’s important to make sure you do them as fast and as hard as you can. If you are training to run faster, it’s important to do these fast. HOWEVER you need to make sure you are performing them with good form as well. Once your kids have the form down, you can start ramping up the speed to 100%.

Youth Speed Training Programs

If you have exhausted all your efforts in working with you kid on speed and still haven’t seen huge improvements it may be time to look into a youth speed training program. There are a ton of opportunities in most areas to pay someone to help train your kids.

I would use this as a last resort as it can get quite expensive. I have seen costs range anywhere from $50 to $200 per session depending on the area you are in. The biggest reason why people gain in training programs vs working out on their own is because of consistency. 

If you are paying someone to train your athlete in a speed training program you will for sure show up and work out. However if you don’t have that commitment there is a good possibility that your kid doesn’t work out that day and sits inside and plays video games. 

If you can have the discipline to get outside 2-3 days a week consistently then you will see improvements. You will save money, and get similar results as long as you put in the work!

That said, there are some great speed training programs that will show some great improvements. If money is not as much of an issue for you or your family, a speed training program could be great for your kid. 

Speed training for youth athletes conclusion

There are many ways to get faster. So much information to draw from, and programs specifically designed to increase speed. Some kids have natural speed vs other kids, and that is ok. Every kid has the ability to increase their speed, if they are willing to put in the work consistently. 

The most important things to remember, in order to run fast – you need to run fast! Whatever drills or sport you are playing, do it as fast as you can, and that will help you run faster

Until next time

Coach Scott


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