What is a carry in basketball?

A “carry” in basketball, also known as palming the ball, is when the ball handler allows his hand to go under the ball, and essentially moves with the ball without dribbling it momentarily.

A carrying violation is essentially a travel and double dribble in one. Traveling is moving with the ball without dribbling, and double dribbling is stopping your dribble and then starting again, which you technically do when you palm the ball and move with it.

Often you will see a carry called when the ball is dribbled a little higher than usual and you’ll see the ball briefly come to rest in the player’s hand before he continues on, or if he takes a lot of steps while the ball is bounding through the air. 

How often is a carry called in basketball? 

Although this year, the NBA seems to be cracking down a little bit on the carry, it’s largely uncalled unless it’s egregious, and many players do it.

Historically, Allen Iverson is known for carrying the ball and beginning the trend that we now see regularly in play in the NBA. 

He was called for carrying more often than in the current game, that’s for sure. Recently, Golden State Warriors reserve guard Jordan Poole has been called for the carry, similarly that Iverson was called for it previously.

Even with recent attention being drawn to the carry rule, you might see this called once or twice a game, as referees are hesitant to call the double dribble.

What is the penalty for carrying the ball in basketball?

If a carry is called, the penalty is simple and straightforward. The referee blows the whistle, and the ball is turned over to the other team. The opposing team will take the ball out of bounds, and that’s that. 

What level is a carry in basketball most commonly called?

The level a carry is most commonly called in basketball is youth, hands down. This has to do with the fact that younger players, being much less experienced and skilled in handling the ball, will commonly be indecisive in what they will do, resulting in a carrying call. 

Maybe the ball bounces a little high while running down the court, maybe the player thinks they’re going to pass or stop, and then they continue on. The higher up you go, the more experienced and skilled you will be, and the fewer carry call you will see. 

When is a carry called the most in basketball?

In youth basketball, you’ll see a carry often called when a player gets a little unsure or out of control. In higher levels, you’ll see a carry called during a hesitation move or crossover. 

Many players have gotten good at hiding the carry throughout their hesitation or crossover move, which is one of the reasons it will go largely unnoticed or uncalled before shot attempts

Who are the top 4 players who carry the ball in basketball?

1. Allen Iverson 

Iverson is probably the player who began carrying the ball more than anyone and paved the way for modern players who similarly carry the ball.

2. James Harden 

Harden has a unique stop-and-go style where he’s probably carrying the ball half the time but is rarely called for it. 

3. Kevin Durant

KD is a very skilled offensive player and carries the ball during his crossover fairly regularly but is also rarely called for it. 

4. Jordan Poole 

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Poole has received a fair amount of attention from the referees this year for his carry during hesitation moves and has been called for it. 

Tips on how to avoid a carry in basketball while dribbling

If you keep your hand on top of or on the side of the ball, it will be nearly impossible for you to carry the basketball. You simply cannot carry the ball when your hand is properly placed on the ball. 

This is why a carry is commonly called when the ball is bounced a little too high because it’s very easy for the hand to rest under the basketball with it being high in the air. 

So keep your hand from going under the ball, and you will most likely be in the clear of a carrying call in all circumstances.  


Which league calls the carrying violation the most?

College and high school basketball call the carry violation significantly more than the NBA. 

NBA refs are looking for more serious violations throughout the game while high school and college basketball referees don’t have as much experience and are more likely to call minor violations like carrying.

What are the best ways to avoid carrying in basketball?

The best way to avoid carrying violations is by getting plenty of dribbling practice in. 

The more you practice your dribbling, crossovers, and overall basketball handling, the more difficult it will be for referees to call you for a carrying violation.


The carrying violation is one of those nuanced penalties in basketball that some referees call, while others seem to ignore totally.

 In youth and high school basketball leagues, referees are trying to enforce the fundamentals of the sport and will be more likely to call the violations. 

In the NBA, the violations are less likely to be called as refs tend to let these talented players play the game.