Why are Baseball Players Superstitious?

Baseball culture is an interesting one. Players are creatures of habit and often follow the same routines day in and day out.

They eat the same pregame meals, they have the same pregame routines, and often do the same things before they enter the batters box. 

The game really is full of characters and when I played baseball in college I came across some amazing and hilarious superstitions. 

So why are baseball players superstitious?

The answer is simple – If it’s working, DON’T BREAK IT! If you have a hit streak, keep it going by doing the same things, if you can’t find a break then you must be doing something wrong, and there are certain things you just don’t do on the baseball field or you will upset the baseball ‘gods’.

Below is a breakdown of some of the craziest and most common baseball superstitions you see on most baseball fields.

Most common superstitions in baseball

1. Don’t step on the foul line

I’m pretty sure this one was created in the maintenance department. The guys who chalk the field probably hate when the lines get messed up 38 seconds after the field is set. 

But if you go around any field you’ll see baseball players trampling over the foul line. The thing baseball gods hate the most is cleats on the foul lines! 

2. Hitters, don’t run over the pitchers mounds

You may or may not remember when Dallas Braden was barking at A-Rod for running over the mound on his way back to the dugout in mid April 2010. If you weren’t up to date on the unwritten rules, or understand superstitions you may think Braden was out of line here. But anyone who is anyone knows to stay off the mound. 

Coaches have been talking to their players their entire lives about staying off the mound. Think of the game ‘king of the hill’ – That is the pitcher’s territory. A-Rod should have been ejected for that disrespectful move (YES I was a pitcher) 

3.Rally Hats

If you see someone wearing their hat ‘wrong’ on the baseball field or in the stands, it’s most likely them calling on the baseball gods to help their team score some runs. Really no rules apply on the how, but once it’s ‘working’ you better not change it! 

4.Rally Drawings

Usually done by the hot hitter on the team in front of the dugout, or close to the on deck circle. You may see a drawing or a rally turtle, snake, or … really anything. Stick with what works, and hitters better tap the drawing on the way to the plate or it wont work. Don’t mess it up though, and you better not walk on it – that’s just disrespectful.

5.Pre pitch routines 

Each player goes through a unique routine before they get in the batter’s box, or during or after a pitch. Check out the link and it speaks for itself!

6.Never speak of a no hitter or perfect game 

If a pitcher is having ‘the unspeakable’ you never want to jinx it by saying it outloud. Stay away from the subject, don’t speak of it or you will for sure ruin it! 

7. Pockets in or out

Sometimes you may see a player with their back pocket out. Most of the time they have no idea and it happened when they pulled out their batting gloves. BUT sometimes they will pull out their left ‘blinker’ to signify them turning left around the bases.

It is BAD if their right pocket only is out, and you’ll hear teammates call behind them ‘right blinker’ to make sure they know to put it away.

8. 2-2 count with 2 outs

 When the count is 2 balls and 2 strikes with 2 outs you may see a dugout erupt with fun. Especially in a highschool or college game. It’s very important to ‘win’ that battle and each side will have a routine to help their team win. Each team has a routine they will do with their hat, and it’s very important to follow that routine (which is different depending if your team is pitching or hitting) 

9.Slump Buster

I’ll keep this one PG.. Basically hitters will try anything to get out of a slump, and I mean ANYTHING!

Baseball is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Players on each side will do most anything to help their teams win. It’s important to try new things if it’s not going right, and when things are going well dont change it, don’t break it, and don’t upset the baseball gods! 

Yogi Berra said it best – “Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical”

What sport is the most superstitious?

Without a doubt baseball is the most superstitious sport. It is part of the game that has been around for over 100 years and the superstitions get passed down over time to the next generations.

Why do baseball players sniff their bat?

Baseball players sniff their bat because it makes them feel like they are one with the bat and they want to send positive vibes to the bat. While this may sound crazy, facing baseball coming at you at 100MPH is crazy enough and anything players can do to get an edge and get themselves additional confidence they will do!

Why are baseball players superstitious conclusion

Some of the most notorious baseball superstitions are that you can’t wear a new pair of socks on opening day or throw out your hat. Other traditions include not stepping on the foul line, wearing a lucky shirt before game time, and touching home plate after each win to get good luck for next game. 

One other tradition involves spitting in their hand if they need some extra “oomph” during an at bat. Superstition is deeply rooted in society as it serves as ritualistic behavior with deep-seated meaning behind them all. It may be difficult to change these practices but it would certainly help make things more interesting!

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