Why Do Baseball Players Wear Chains? An Ultimate Guide (With pictures of legit chains!)

If you watch a Major League Baseball game today, you will undoubtedly see a player wearing a necklace or “chain. But what for? Why is it so common? 

Baseball players are known to be superstitious. But is this the only reason so many wear chains? Is there an advantage?

If not, then why do baseball players wear chains?

Baseball players wear chains for looks, express themselves, and for superstitious and religious reasons.

Think of a chain as more of a good luck charm for some baseball players. But, at the same time, others wear a chain as an outward demonstration of success. 

It may seem like more and more baseball players are wearing chains than ever before. And while that may be true, baseball players have been wearing shiny necklaces for decades. 

Some of the first players to show off their chains came from the late 1980s and early 1990s with Ricky Henderson, Kenny Lofton, Gary Sheffield, and Ken Griffey Jr.

Some of these players even have their chains showing on their rookie cards!

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The most famous chain-wearing player today is Mookie Betts.

Betts has always worn a classic thick Figaro-style gold chain necklace. Betts is a more minor-sized player, making the chain look even more significant. 

What kind of chains do baseball players wear?

The most common chain necklace that baseball players wear is a classic gold chain. However, the term “classic” should be taken lightly for Major League Baseball players, as most of them are wearing extra thick gold chains, some with multiple pendants or other chains. 

Other types of chains baseball players wear also include some kind of pendant. Whether it be a cross for religious reasons, a medallion for personal reasons, or initials or numbers, the charm typically represents something spiritual or personal to the player. 

For example, Mookie Betts not only wears the thick gold chain that was discussed and pictured, but he also adds another necklace. It’s a string-type necklace with a baseball and bat pendant. 

Many players wear all sorts of styles chain necklaces. It’s all a matter of personal preference or sentimental

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What is the point of wearing chains?

There isn’t necessarily a point for a baseball player to wear a chain necklace. Wearing a chain does not give a player any advantage.  Some fans probably think a thick chain gets in the way. 

That said, baseball players may feel more confident, comfortable, and focused when wearing a chain necklace that is special to them. This is when superstition kicks in with baseball players. 

Baseball players will find any reason to help them feel more confident or focused and are known to have certain superstitions and rituals to either continue to play well or to break a streak of not playing well. 

Having a chain necklace around your neck gives a player a certain level of calm and focus. 

Another point of wearing chains is an outward expression of it. Humans, in general, have been wearing flashy, shiny, and extravagant necklaces and jewelry for thousands of years. A chain, particularly a large chain, is associated with status.

A baseball player wearing a thick gold chain necklace could be an outward expression of their success, wealth, and status. Something the player is using to represent their pride. 

Gold has always been a symbol of wealth and status throughout human history. The Gold Rush revolutionized the Western United States. “Gold Standard” is a term used for something at the highest level. A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow to get rich. We all know what gold is and what gold symbolizes. Baseball players wearing a big gold chain necklace are no different. 

Are baseball players allowed to wear jewelry? 

In professional sports, only in Major League Baseball are players allowed to wear a chain around their neck during games. This is permitted due to the unlikelihood of the chain getting caught on another player during game action. 

Baseball players are allowed to wear other jewelry, such as earrings, rings, and bracelets. All due to the same reason, it is doubtful that any of these jewelry pieces would come in contact with another player.

For example, other sports like basketball would have a much higher probability of a player’s chain necklace or another piece of jewelry coming in contact with another player. This is due to constant close contact throughout game action in basketball. At the same time, baseball players are spread out on a baseball field and alone when they bat. 

Are chains safe to wear in baseball?  

Even though Major League Baseball is the only level of baseball that allows players to wear chain necklaces during games and practice, wearing a chain is mainly safe to wear in baseball. 

Wearing a chain in baseball must be met with rules and safety precautions. But, there’s a reason only Major League Baseball allows this. It’s because they are adults at the highest level of their profession!

There are very few situations where a chain necklace would come into contact in baseball. Baseball is a contact sport but only in some instances. (See the article “Is Baseball a Contact Sport?”)

Any person under 18, therefore a minor, wearing a chain necklace during baseball activity is not advised. Wearing any jewelry is not permitted in College Sports either, including baseball. 

Can you wear jewelry in high school baseball? 

You are not allowed to wear any jewelry in high school baseball other than a medical bracelet. 

Wearing jewelry in high school baseball is not allowed due to safety, liability, and difficulty regulating. 

High School Baseball correctly disallows the wearing of jewelry as it impedes learning the fundamentals of the game.  Some kids would put too much attention on how they look over how they play. 

Wearing jewelry also puts too much liability on schools. What if a player were to be injured by another player’s jewelry? Is the school at fault? There are just too many safety liabilities when allowing minors to wear jewelry in baseball. 

Can you wear jewelry in Little League Baseball? 

Minor League Baseball Players cannot wear jewelry for many of the same reasons as high school, but primarily because of safety concerns. 

Minor League is for baseball players 12 years and younger, meaning kids. A kid should not be wearing any jewelry in any type of activity where contact may happen. 

Although Little League Baseball would have a significantly less chance of contact than other sports such as soccer and basketball, there is still a chance. Players at the minor league age are still learning and making mistakes by being out of position or not getting out of the way. These mistakes can lead to injuries caused or exaggerated by contact with jewelry. 

Kids also like to do what other kids do. If one kid wears a chain necklace, other kids will most likely want to. This situation would take away from learning the game of baseball on top of increasing the risk of injury. 

Final Word

If you’ve watched a Major League Baseball game, you’ve probably seen a player wearing a big chain necklace. Most likely a gold one. If you thought that wearing one is too flashy or selfish, you might be correct, but you also might be old school.

Players today, and for decades have been wearing chain necklaces in baseball. Particularly Major League Baseball because it’s the only professional sport that allows its players to wear a chain necklace. 

However, baseball players wear chain necklaces for various reasons. Baseball players are human, and humans have loved gold throughout history and have used it as a symbol of wealth and success. A baseball player might do the same. 

Baseball players also wear chain necklaces because baseball players tend to be superstitious. A particular chain necklace might have some superstitious reasons to be worn. 

Other players wear chain necklaces for religious reasons, such as a cross. And others wear them for personal and sentimental reasons. Maybe the initials of a player’s children, for example. 

Whatever the reason is, baseball players may seem like they are the only ones wearing chains. That’s because they are the only ones in professional sports allowed. And just like many other humans, baseball players wear chain necklaces for so many different reasons. 

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