Can You Use an Indoor Basketball Outside?

Basketball season is just about to start. Are you wondering if you can use an indoor basketball outside?

Kids are filling the gyms getting ready to improve their skills as they learn the next level of basketball. For the younger kids, teams may require each player to bring their own ball for learning. As you look for basketballs the search may be confusing. What size ball? Do I need an indoor ball, or an outdoor ball?

All are very important questions to ask when considering a ball for your youngster. This article breaks down the different things to consider when buying a ball for basketball season.

Can you use an indoor basketball outside?

Yes, technically it’s ok to use an indoor basketball outside. However, you want to make sure if you buy an indoor ball for indoor basketball, you try to keep it off the blacktop.

If you are looking to buy a ball for your kid to play with outside you may want to look for an outdoor ball. They typically are made with a more sturdy material like rubber in order to hold up against the elements. You may see an indoor ball start to break down easier as you use it outside. 

An indoor ball is really meant to hold up against the gym floor, which does not have as much friction to scrape up the ball as the black top does on an outside court. They are made of leather and hold up just fine on a gym floor, but may break down when bounced on the black top or go through a chain net vs a nylon net.

Some manufacturers have started making basketballs out of composite and market a ball that is an indoor ball that can be used outside. However if you are buying a ball to use in a gym, I would make sure you aren’t using it outside. 

The more you bounce a ball on the black top, the quicker it will break down. You will notice the grip starts to become slippery which will ultimately affect your game. 

As you bounce a ball outside, the ball will collect dirt and oils from the black top which can be transferred from the ball into the gym, which negatively affects the gym floors. Some gyms don’t allow outside balls in the facility as it could mess up the court surface over time. 

Can you use an outdoor basketball indoors?

This may seem like the same question above, but its drastically different. 

Yes, again technically you can, however its always best to keep and outdoor basketball specifically for the blacktop.

Tracking in outside dirt a basketball will naturally pick up from the blacktop could wear down an indoor court quicker. The facility manager will appreciate it if you kept outdoor balls and shoes off the indoor playing surface. 

Indoor basketball courts are made from hardwood maple. Overtime outside material will ruin the wood and make the surface slippery which could lead to injury, and decrease overall performance and appearance. 

Just work on keeping indoor equipment inside, and outdoor equipment outside. That said we are talking overall, and over a long period of time. If you bring an outside ball inside one time, go ahead and play. Don’t let the small things ruin your opportunity to play the game. 

Do you need basketball shoes to play basketball?

Yes! I would highly recommend buying shoes specific to basketball.

Just like you buy cleats to play sports on grass, it’s very important to make sure you have basketball shoes to play basketball indoors. Having shoes with good traction will help keep your footing and prevent injury. It also allows you to be on the top of your game making it easier to cut on the gym floor and gives you extra speed.

You may see basketball players change their shoes from their outside shoes to basketball shoes before they step on the court. Many of these reasons are the same reason why you can use an indoor basketball outside. 

As you wear your shoes outside, they will become more worn down with the contacts of the black top. You will also track rocks and oils onto the basketball court. All of these things will affect your game, and will damage the court over time. 

Basketball shoes are also usually high top shoes which add protection to your ankles. In basketball kids are running, cutting and jumping constantly which puts added pressure on your ankles. Basketball shoes are meant to help protect kids from injury. 

Is it better to play indoor or outdoor basketball?

Indoor basketball is better for athletes to work on the team aspect of the game, outdoor basketball is better for kids to learn the individual aspects of basketball. 

Both indoor and outdoor basketball can be very fun to play. Outdoor basketball is the easiest for pick up games because you don’t need a gym. Just get some friends to meet at a school or park. Most have basketball ball hoops available for the public to use.

Outdoor basketball is a place where kids can practice on their own, or play a pick up game. When you watch these games its a lot of 1 on 1 type basketball which can be great for kids to work on their individual skills. 

If you want to sign up for a league, most of it is held indoors in a gym. Indoor basketball leagues are more organized and you can really maximize your skill and understanding of the game. You will learn more about the team aspect of basketball and how to work together to play defense and offense. 

Indoor basketball is more designed for athletes to learn the team aspect of the sport, and a place where they can combine their individual skills within a team setting.

If you have a kid who loves the game of basketball, it’s important to let them play both outdoors in a pick up setting, and indoors with a team that is learning to work together. 

Can you leave a basketball outside?

Leaving a basketball outside will negatively affect how long it will last. 

Weather, both rain and sun will deteriorate the outside of the ball very quickly. It’s important to make sure you keep your ball inside to help take care of it. 

Some of the outdoor basketballs that are made of a rubber material will last longer than an inside basketball. But either way if you leave your ball baking in the sun on a hot summer day, you will be surprised how quickly it becomes not usable. 

Making sure your kids take care of their basketball is important. Not only do you avoid having to buy a new ball every few months, but it also helps your kids take responsibility for their stuff. If you leave a ball sitting outside there is a good chance it could be stolen as well.

How much do basketballs cost?

The cost of a basketball can range from $10-100. Not much help right? 

How can you decide what the differences are between balls, and which ball is right for you?

Its important to realize you get what you pay for. If you just want a cheap ball to learn how to dribble, go ahead and buy the cheapest ball possible. These cheap balls are typically made of cheap material. They may be slippery and lack grip which may be hard to learn, and they definitely won’t hold up to the elements. 

Next question you’d need to ask yourself is are you planning on using this ball indoors or outdoors? If you’re planning on paying indoors or outdoors with the ball I’d make sure you buy a ball specific for outside. (see above in the article) You can find a great mid level ball for about $20-40.

If you want something a little more quality specific for indoor basketball then you can start going up in price range closer to the $100 range. These balls are going to be made of genuine leather. If you splurge on a high priced ball, keep it indoors and only use it in games. You can get tons of practice with the cheaper balls. DON’T use these expensive balls outside as they will wear down much quicker than a ball designed to be outside.


You can use an indoor basketball outside. There are no specific rules, and ultimately the ball will still go in the hoop. If you are trying to learn the game of basketball the most important thing to do is get out there and play! The more repetitions you can get the quicker your game will improve. Don’t let the basketball you have got in the way of your improvement.

That said, if you are looking to buy a new ball and only have access to play outside, look for an outdoor basketball. It will hold up against the elements better and let you play with it longer! If you are looking to join a league or a team and need an indoor ball, the quality of an indoor basketball should not be bounced outside. 

Until next time

Coach Scott

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