How Long is a Football Game? And factors to game length

The duration of football games can vary greatly across different levels of play. With factors such as overtime, commercial breaks, and timeouts influencing the length, times can vary. For fans and casual observers alike, understanding how long a football game lasts can help in planning their schedules and optimizing their viewing experience.

How long is a football game?

The set time of a NFL game is 60 minutes, consisting of four 15 minute quarters. As far as the actual time it takes to complete an NFL game, with timeouts, halftime, etc; it lasts approximately 3 hours.

Professional Football Game Length

NFL Game Duration

The average length of an NFL game is 3 hours and 12 minutes, including halftime. Again, the time set is 60 minutes (4 – 15 minute quarters).

But with Timeouts, Halftime, and possible OT, the average time it takes to actually get through an NFL game is 3 hours and 12 minutes.

However, the actual time that the ball is in play is only around 11 minutes. This leaves a lot of time for commercials, replays, and other stoppages of play.

A football game is divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes. Each NFL quarter is 15 minutes long, which means that actual gameplay will be at least 60 minutes, or a full hour. Of course, there are plenty of stoppages during a game due to penalties, challenges, and commercial breaks, which are more frequent at the professional level.

Super Bowl

The Super Bowl, the championship game of the NFL season, typically lasts longer than a regular-season game.

This is due to the extended halftime show, which is usually around 30 minutes long compared to the usual 12-minute halftime during a regular-season game. Additionally, there are more commercials and higher production value throughout the Super Bowl, which can lead to a longer broadcast time.

In summary, NFL games vary in length depending on various factors such as penalties, challenges, and commercial breaks.

While the average NFL game lasts around 3 hours and 12 minutes, the Super Bowl can extend beyond that due to its unique setup and additional entertainment elements.

College Football Game Length

College football games, like NFL games, have a total playtime of 60 minutes, divided into four 15-minute quarters.

However, the actual duration of a college football game typically extends beyond this 60-minute mark due to various factors impacting the game clock’s operation.

College football has notable differences in game clock procedures compared to professional football, leading to alterations in the actual length of each match.

One such example is how frequently the game clock stops in college football.

NCAA statistics reveal that the average duration of a college football game is around 3 hours and 22 minutes.

This has increased by 4 minutes over the last five years, indicating that the actual length of college football games has been gradually lengthening.

In addition to the 60-minute playtime, college football games feature a 20-minute halftime show. This is longer than the 12-minute halftime show seen in NFL games, contributing to the overall longer duration of college football matches.

In summary, although college football games have a 60-minute official playtime, various factors – such as game clock procedures and a longer halftime show – contribute to an average game lasting approximately 3 hours and 22 minutes.

Level Length of Game
NFL 60 minutes (four 15-minute quarters)
NCAA (Division I) 60 minutes (four 15-minute quarters)
NCAA (Division II and III) 60 minutes (four 15-minute quarters)
High School 48 minutes (four 12-minute quarters)
Youth (ages 14-18) 48 minutes (four 12-minute quarters)
Youth (ages 12-14) 40 minutes (two 20-minute halves)
Youth (ages 9-12) 32 minutes (two 16-minute halves)

High School and Youth Football Game Length

High school football games typically last between two hours and two and a half hours, with four 12-minute quarters instead of the 15-minute quarters seen in college and NFL games. Halftime breaks in high school games range from 10 to 20 minutes, with additional time added for timeouts and penalties.

Youth football games, which cater to younger players, often have even shorter game lengths. Quarters typically last 8 minutes, making the games shorter than high school, college, or professional football.

Various factors can affect game length in both high school and youth football, including:

  • Timeouts: Each team gets a specific number of timeouts per game, usually three per half. These timeouts, each lasting around 30 seconds, can extend the game’s duration.
  • Penalties: Game length can be further increased by penalties, which require the clock to stop and resume when play continues.
  • Injuries: The length of a football game can also be affected by injuries. When a player is injured, gameplay stops, and the clock may need to pause until the medical team assesses the situation and clears the field.

On the other hand, high school flag football games, a variation of traditional football, can have game durations of approximately 30 to 40 minutes, played in two halves of 15 to 20 minutes each. In these games, time is stopped only for timeouts (with each team having three) and a 5-minute halftime break (or a 3-minute break if overtime is needed).

In summary, high school football games generally last around 2 to 2.5 hours, whereas youth football games have shorter durations, typically with 8-minute quarters. Both game lengths can be affected by timeouts, penalties, and injuries during gameplay.

Factors Affecting Game Length

Commercials and TV Broadcast

One of the significant factors that affect the length of a football game is the time allocated for commercials and TV broadcasts.

During an NFL game, broadcasters take several breaks for advertisements, leading to extended game durations. Additionally, halftime shows provide opportunities for commercials, with the average halftime lasting 12 minutes in the NFL and 20 minutes in college football.

Injury and Controversial Calls

In-game situations, such as player injuries and controversial calls made by referees, also contribute to the overall length of a football game.

When a player is injured, the game clock stops as medical personnel attend to the situation, adding to the total time. Furthermore, controversial calls may result in additional time spent discussing and reviewing the play before the game resumes.

Penalties and Stoppage Time

The accumulation of penalties during a game not only slow down its pace but can also extend game time.

When a penalty is called, the clock often stops, and the officials take time to discuss the infraction, communicate it to both teams, and enforce the consequences.

Additionally, stoppage time occurs when the clock is halted for any reason, such as incomplete passes, players running out of bounds, or changes in possession.

These combined factors contribute to variability in the total length of a football game.

Clock and Breakdown by Quarters

Time Management in Quarters

Football games are divided into four quarters with a total official playing time of 60 minutes. In high school football, each quarter is 12 minutes long, while in the NFL and college football, each quarter is 15 minutes long.

The game clock does not continuously run, however, as it is stopped for time outs and between certain plays.

The game clock starts ticking down from the initial time and continues until it reaches 0:00. It is crucial to note that if the game clock hits zero while there is still a live ball, the quarter or game does not end until the ball is declared dead by officials.


Halftime is typically a longer break in between the second and third quarters, during which teams have the opportunity to review their strategies and make adjustments.

In the NFL, halftime lasts for 12 minutes, whereas, in NCAA (college) football, halftime ranges from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the particular conference.

Similarly, in high school football, halftime generally falls within the 15-20 minute range.


In cases where the game ends in a tie, an overtime period is implemented to determine the winner.

Overtime rules differ between high school, college, and the NFL. In NFL, a 10-minute sudden-death period is played, with the team scoring first declared the winner. If neither team scores during this period, the game ends in a tie, except during the playoffs, where additional overtime periods are played until a victor emerges.

In college and high school football, each team is granted a possession from a specific yard line to attempt to score.

This continues in alternating fashion until one team prevails. The process may differ slightly between college and various high school leagues, regarding the number of overtime periods and potential rules on two-point conversion attempts.


  1. How long is an NFL game in real time? NFL games are 60 minutes, broke into four 15-minute quarters. NFL games take approximately 3 hours to complete. This is due to timeouts, time between quarters, two minute warnings, and halftime.
  2. Why is a football game 3 hours? Even though the game clock is set for 60 minutes, football games take much longer due to numerous stop in play. Such as: timeouts, time between quarters, two minute warnings, and halftime.
  3. How long is the average NFL play? NFL plays on average take 4 seconds. From the snap to the tackle.
  4. How long is the longest NFL game? In 1971, the Dolphins and Chiefs played a game that took 82 minutes and 40 seconds.