Why do Baseball Players Have to Wear Hats?

Baseball hats are a staple part of a player’s uniform that you will see from Little League all the way to the MLB level. Baseball hats have evolved quite a bit over the years, with changes in bill shape, hat depth, and material. So why do baseball players have to wear hats? MLB players must … Read more

Best College Baseball Uniforms

The variations and styles of college baseball uniforms have evolved significantly over the last 10 years. When I played college baseball from 2004-2007, we basically had 3 types of uniforms; our home jersey, away jersey, and then a versatile mesh top that we wore on hot days.  When I watch a college baseball game today, … Read more

Do Baseball Players Wear Cups?

baseball field

If you ever played anywhere from little league to professional baseball, you probably have worn a cup at some point.  While they certainly aren’t comfortable, they serve a great purpose in helping protect your precious family jewels from taking a direct hit from a baseball traveling at high speed! Do baseball players wear cups? Although … Read more

How do Baseball Teams Travel?

Teams can be playing a night game on the East Coast one night, then you turn on your TV and see them in a day game the next day on the West Coast. So, how do baseball teams travel? Baseball teams travel by charter plane at the Major League baseball level, by bus and commercial … Read more

What States don’t have Baseball teams?

With so many Major League Baseball teams, it can be tough to keep track of which ones don’t have teams and which cities have multiple teams. Cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, have two teams while some larger cities like Nashville and Portland don’t have one team. So, what states don’t have baseball teams? … Read more

9 Types of Shots in Basketball

If you don’t watch a ton of basketball, you may tune into a game and be confused at an announcer’s descriptions of all of the different types of basketball shots. Basketball has some of the best athletes in any sport, but the top players are also very skilled with touch and finesse and can make … Read more

11 Best Baseball Brawls

A good baseball brawl from time to time is one of many reasons that baseball is such an entertaining sport to watch. Baseball is a game of complex strategy that takes place over the course of 9 innings, but when certain unwritten rules get broken an all-out brawl can break out at a moment’s notice. … Read more

How to Throw a Curveball (Grips, Tips, All Time Greats!)

Throwing curveballs takes years of practice to perfect, with wide ranges of spin rates, grips, and movement on the ball. What’s better than leaving a hitter frozen at the plate on a nice sharp deuce? Not much if you ask me.. why is why the curveball was my favorite pitch to throw! Let’s take a … Read more

Why is the NFL Football Darker

If you have played football for fun or in any sort of competitive environment, you are likely used to seeing a light brown football. However, when you turn on an NFL game, you will notice that the official NFL game ball is much darker than a typical football. So, why is NFL football darker? NFL … Read more