What Are The Position Numbers In Baseball?

Have you ever heard someone say 6-4-3 in a baseball game and been really confused? Why are people throwing around numbers and what do they mean? The fact is, each position on the baseball field has a number associated with it. 

We’ll get into 6-4-3 a little later and let you know why 6+4+3=2. But first let’s break down the different positions numbers in baseball. You’ll need to know these numbers if you want to keep score.

So what are the position numbers in baseball?

Each position has a specific number associated with it. Below is an easy breakdown of each position and number.

1 Pitcher
2 Catcher
3 First baseman
4 Second baseman
5 Third baseman
6 Shortstop
7 Left Field
8 Center Field
9 Right Field

These numbers make scoring the game way easier. However in today’s game, the positions will shift to align better to a left handed pull hitter.

Sometimes a shortstop may be seen playing right behind second base, instead of the ‘normal’ location between second and third.

If a ball is fielded by the shortstop its still considered being fielded by position #6 regardless of his alignment on the field.

However this can be very confusing for the scorekeeper. 

Why do positions have numbers in baseball?

The main reason why numbers are assigned to different positions is to help the score keepers keep score.

These numbers were created to make scoring the game super easy.

In a game full of statistics this system makes it really easy to score a play.

For example, if a ball is grounded out to the third baseman a score keeper could easily identify on paper what happened.

They would write 5-3 signifying the ball was grounded to the third baseman (5) and it was thrown to the first baseman (3) for the out.

Why does 6 + 4 + 3 = 2?

6+4+3=2 because in baseball that means you got 2 outs, or a double play!

You have seen the shirt 6+4+3=2. Only real baseball fans will understand. Follow the same logic above.

The ball was hit to the shortstop (6) who threw it to the second baseman (4) who then threw it to the first baseman (3) for 2 outs.

Or a double play! This is one of the most exciting plays in baseball to watch!

This isn’t the only way you can get a double play, but it is the most common, and most fun to watch.

What is a double play in baseball?

A double play in baseball is when you get 2 outs in 1 play. Any play where 2 outs are recorded is considered a double play. 

In the example above a 6-4-3 double play is when the ball is hit to the shortstop, who throws it to second to record an out, who then throws it to the first baseman to record another out. 

There are many more ways to get a double play in baseball.

Sometimes you can even strike a player out while a player is stealing and throw that runner out. Something more common in little league is doubling a player off the base after a line drive or flying out when a runner doesn’t tag up. 

A double play is one of the most exciting plays in baseball. It takes a ton of athleticism and skill.

Both quick fielding, glove work, and teamwork in order to execute a double play. 

What is a triple play in baseball?

Like a double play, a triple play is where you get 3 outs recorded on 1 play. A triple play is very hard to get, and not very common.

In fact, only an average of 5 triple plays per season are executed each year. The odds of seeing a triple play in a game is 1,400 to 1.

The reason a triple play is so uncommon is that the stars have to be aligned to even have an opportunity to execute. You have to have 2 runners on base, and zero outs.

The batter then has to hit the ball in the perfect location. If all of that happens the players still have to play it perfectly to execute all 3 outs. 

The most common scenario would be runners on first and second with no outs and the hitter hitting a hard hit ball right to third. The third baseman can tag his base, throw to second, and then onto first to get all 3 outs.

The play would be recorded as a 5-4-3 triple play! 

How do you score a baseball scorecard?

Baseball can be very difficult to score. Knowing the position numbers in baseball will definitely help, however, there is much more to it.

The best way to learn how to keep score is to practice.

Watching your kid play the game and keeping score for your local little league team will give you tons of needed practice. Trust me soon it will become second nature. 

Little League has a great breakdown of how to keep score. CLICK HERE for more details. 

A scorebook can look very confusing at first glance. But once you get the gist of it, it will become second nature.

Scoring will help keep track of how the game is going.

It can help keep track of not only the score, but whose batting next, and how many pitches a pitcher may have thrown. Really every stat needed will be displayed in the scorebook. 

What are position numbers in baseball conclusion

Understanding what number goes to what position is not needed to enjoy the game of baseball.

However, if you are planning on keeping score, or just want a deeper understanding of this great game, hopefully, this article helped. 

Next time you are watching your kid play this great sport, pick up a scorebook and try it out.

Practice makes perfect, and who knows, you may even get to experience a double or triple play. Then you’ll have the book to prove it. 

Until next time

Coach Scott

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