What Do Football Players Eat Before Games: Optimal Nutrition for Peak Performance

When it comes to athletic performance, professional football players understand the vital role nutrition plays in their pre-game preparation. Eating the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can help maximize an athlete’s energy levels and enhance their overall performance on the field. This article aims to explore the various dietary choices football players make before games, focusing on meals consumed the night before and on game day.

Among the most popular pre-game meal choices for football players are carbohydrates, which provide a steady source of energy. Consuming complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, pasta, and starchy vegetables allow for slow and consistent energy release, helping players maintain their energy levels throughout the game. Aside from carbohydrates, incorporating lean proteins and healthy fats in their pre-game meal can contribute to muscle recovery, tissue repair, and sustained energy.

While the specific pre-game meal choices may vary among individual players, some common options include peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, eggs, yogurt, smoothies, soups, and oatmeal. The timing of the meal is equally important, with most players opting to eat meals or snacks at least two hours before the game to allow for optimal digestion. Understanding these nutritional principles is crucial for football players seeking to reach their full potential on the field.

It is also important to note that a pre-game meal is not just about the food. Pre-game meals offer a great team building and bonding opportunity. We often will have a meal set the last practice before our games. Our team will eat together after a long week of practice, helping the guys unwind before they go into battle together.

The Importance of Nutrition for Football Players

Proper nutrition is crucial for football players to maximize their athletic performance on the field. Football is a physically demanding sport, requiring a combination of strength, speed, agility, and endurance. Athletes must fuel their bodies with the right balance of nutrients to maintain optimal energy levels, support muscle growth and recovery, and prevent injury.

A well-planned diet can significantly impact a football player’s performance. Nutritionists often recommend a balanced and varied mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and good fats in a player’s diet. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, while carbohydrates provide energy for high-intensity activities like sprinting and tackling. Good fats, such as those found in avocados and nuts, support overall health and help the body absorb vitamins.

Some examples of nutritious foods football players should incorporate into their meal plan include:

  • Protein sources: fish, chicken, red meat, lentils, beans
  • Carbohydrate sources: pasta, rice, bread, sweet potatoes, oats
  • Non-starchy vegetables: broccoli, spinach, peppers, zucchini, lettuce greens, squash
  • Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, butternut squash
  • Beans and legumes: kidney beans, black beans, white beans, lentils

In the hours leading up to a game, football players should focus on consuming sufficient carbohydrates, as this macronutrient is crucial for maintaining energy levels during gameplay. Recommended pre-game meals include a combination of carbohydrates (rice, pasta, or potatoes) and lean proteins (fish, chicken, or red meat), along with various fruits and vegetables.

During halftime, players can benefit from replenishing their energy stores with easily digestible carbohydrate sources, such as fruit or energy bars. It is also vital to stay hydrated throughout the game, as dehydration can negatively impact performance and increase the risk of injury.

In summary, nutrition plays a vital role in a football player’s ability to perform at their best on the field. By consistently consuming nutrient-dense meals and snacks, athletes can support their overall health, optimize their energy levels, and promote muscle growth and recovery.

Pre-Game Meal Timing and Composition

Hours Before the Game

Football players should consume their primary pre-game meal roughly three to four hours before the game. This meal should be the largest of the day and include a variety of nutrients. Here is a breakdown of the recommended macronutrient composition:

  • Carbohydrates: This meal should contain a majority of carbohydrates, as they serve as the primary energy source for intense physical activity.
  • Protein: A decent amount of protein is also necessary, as it helps build and repair muscles.
  • Fat: A little healthy fat should be included, which provides a sustained energy source.

Some examples of pre-game meal options are:

  • Grilled chicken (4-5 oz.), baked sweet potato/regular potato, and about 1 cup of roasted vegetables.
  • A turkey and cheese sandwich on whole-grain bread with a side of mixed fruit.

Closer to Game Time

Around one to two hours before the event, football players can consume a lighter meal or snack to maintain energy levels. This meal should primarily consist of carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. Athletes should avoid consuming high-fat foods, as they are harder to digest.

Here’s a list of meal or snack options closer to game time:

  • A banana and a small container of yogurt.
  • A granola bar and a sports drink.

In conclusion, it’s crucial for football players to consume their pre-game meal a few hours before the game, focusing on carbohydrates, protein, and some healthy fat. As game time approaches, opt for lighter meals or snacks to maintain energy levels without overloading the digestive system.

Types of Food Football Players Eat Before Games

Carbohydrate Sources

Carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for football players. They provide the necessary fuel to maintain high levels of performance on the field. Some common carbohydrate-rich foods that football players consume before games include:

  • Pasta: A popular choice due to its versatility and ease of digestion.
  • Rice: Another excellent source of energy, often combined with vegetables and lean proteins.
  • Potatoes: A starchy option that provides sustained energy release, available in various forms such as baked, mashed, or boiled.
  • Fruits: Bananas are a favorite among athletes for their natural sugars and potassium content, contributing to quick energy boosts and muscle function.

Protein Sources

Protein is crucial in building and repairing muscle tissue, ensuring football players maintain strength throughout the game. Some protein-rich foods that are commonly eaten before games include:

  • Chicken: A lean and versatile protein source, often consumed grilled or baked.
  • Eggs: A nutrient-dense option providing high-quality protein, often consumed in omelettes or scrambled.
  • Milk and yogurt: Dairy products are a convenient source of protein and calcium, which supports bone health.

Fats and Other Nutrients

While carbohydrates and proteins are the primary focus for pre-game meals, football players also need to consume healthy fats and other essential nutrients. Some sources include:

  • Vegetables: Carrots and broccoli are excellent choices for their antioxidant and vitamin content, promoting overall health and immune function.
  • Nuts and seeds: Offer healthy fats along with a good dose of fiber, keeping players satisfied and energized for longer periods.
  • Nutrient-rich drinks: Fluids such as sports drinks or smoothies made with milk, yogurt, and fruit can provide extra nutrients and hydration.

In addition to these specific food items, football players should prioritize hydration before games, ensuring optimal performance and reducing the risk of injury. Adequate hydration can be maintained by consuming water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks throughout the day leading up to the game.

Hydration Strategies and Fluid Intake

Proper hydration is essential for football players to achieve optimal performance during games. This includes both the intake of water and sports drinks enriched with essential electrolytes.

Before a game, it is important that football players drink about 12 ounces of fluid approximately 15 minutes before any rigorous activity commences. This helps ensure that they start the match adequately hydrated, allowing their bodies to function at their best.

During the game, players should aim to have a drink every 20 minutes. It is important to choose between plain water and sports drinks depending on the individual needs and intensity of the game. While water is essential for replenishing lost fluids, sports drinks provide additional benefits:

  • Electrolyte replenishment: The loss of electrolytes through sweat during intense physical activity can lead to decreased performance. Sports drinks, containing sodium, potassium, and other essential electrolytes, help in replacing these losses and maintaining fluid balance in the body.
  • Energy: Sports drinks, such as Gatorade, often contain carbohydrates that provide a quick source of energy to athletes during their performance.

It is essential for coaches and parents to monitor the hydration levels of players, especially during hot and humid conditions that pose an increased risk of dehydration and heat stress. Consuming both water and sports drinks is crucial for maintaining optimal hydration levels and preventing adverse effects on performance.

In addition to fluid intake, players should also be aware of the proper dietary habits that can promote hydration. These might include:

  • Consuming water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoiding excessive consumption of energy drinks or beverages high in caffeine, which can act as diuretics leading to fluid loss.
  • Maintaining a well-balanced diet, complete with a variety of food items that contain necessary nutrients, including minerals that promote adequate hydration, such as sodium and potassium.

In summary, proper hydration strategies and fluid intake play a significant role in the overall performance of football players. Staying well-hydrated by consuming water and sports drinks according to individual needs is key to optimizing player performance and preventing issues related to dehydration.

Examples of Pre-Game Meal Plans


Football players need a breakfast that is high in carbohydrates and protein to provide energy and support muscle recovery. A good pre-game breakfast option includes:

  • Oatmeal with fruit, nuts, and a drizzle of honey
  • Whole grain toast with almond or peanut butter
  • A fruit smoothie with added protein powder or yogurt


Lunch should be a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to fuel the body for the upcoming game. A well-balanced lunch for a football player could include:

  • Whole wheat pasta with grilled chicken and marinara sauce
  • Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables and lean protein, such as chicken or tofu
  • A tuna or turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a side of mixed greens


Dinner should be eaten at least 3-4 hours before the game to allow for proper digestion. Some suitable dinner options for football players are:

  • Grilled chicken or fish with brown rice and steamed vegetables
  • Turkey or veggie burger with sweet potato fries and a mixed green salad
  • A vegetable stir-fry with tofu or shrimp served over whole grain noodles

Snack Ideas

Snacks can help keep energy levels up throughout the day and provide an extra boost during the game. Some healthy snack options for football players are:

  • A handful of pretzels or low-fat granola mixed with nuts and dried fruit
  • Apple or banana slices with nut butter
  • Greek yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of granola

By providing football players with well-balanced and nutrient-dense meals, they can perform at their peak during game time.

Special Considerations for Individual Players

When it comes to pre-game meals and nutrition, football players should consider several factors to maximize their performance on the field. These special considerations may vary for individual players depending on the type of football (NFL or soccer) they play, their team’s requirements, and their bodyweight and caloric needs.

Football players’ diets should incorporate carbohydrate-dense foods, as well as lean proteins, to ensure they have enough energy for the game. Some examples of suitable food options include:

  • Whole grains (pasta, bread, rice)
  • Lean meats (chicken, turkey)
  • Fish (salmon, tuna)
  • Fruits and vegetables

For players who need to account for weight and body weight differences, it’s crucial to adjust their caloric intake accordingly. A heavier player may require a higher caloric intake before a game than a smaller, lighter player. Individual players should consult with a sports nutritionist or team dietitian to establish their specific caloric and macronutrient requirements.

Although there are general guidelines, each football player will have their unique preferences and tolerances when it comes to pre-game meals. Some players may prefer to consume lighter meals or snacks, while others may opt for a more substantial meal. It is essential for individual players to determine the mealtime, quantity, and composition that works best for them when preparing for a game.

In summary, special considerations for individual football players when planning pre-game meals include:

  • Type of football (NFL or soccer)
  • Team requirements
  • Body weight and caloric needs
  • Personal preferences and tolerances

By addressing these factors, football players can develop a personalized pre-game eating strategy that maximizes their performance and minimizes any potential gastrointestinal discomfort or energy crashes during the game.

Advice from Professionals and Successful Teams

When it comes to fueling football players before games, it is essential to seek guidance from professionals and successful teams. One such example is Leslie Bonci, a nutrition consultant who has worked with the Kansas City Chiefs, a team that has won the Super Bowl. Bonci has shared her expertise in interviews and articles, providing valuable insight for athletes and coaches.

In one of her appearances on CNN, Bonci emphasized the importance of proper nutrition for football players. She recommended having a meal two hours before the game, focusing on a balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. For pre-game meals, the ratio changes to 80-10-10, which stands for 80% carbohydrates, 10% fat, and 10% protein. This meal strategy ensures that players have the energy they need for optimal performance.

Examples of pre-game meal options include:

  • Eggs, whole grain toast, and low-fat yogurt
  • Vegetable and egg omelet with yogurt
  • Whole-wheat bagel with low-fat peanut butter and an apple

In addition to solid meals, players might also benefit from consuming liquid carbohydrates within the hour before the game. These can include pre-game beverages or gels with 25 grams of carbohydrates per 4 ounces (118 mL), or sports drinks with roughly 14 ounces (400 mL) of solution containing about 6% carbohydrates.

Apart from Bonci’s advice, football coaches and sports dietitians worldwide stress the significance of hydration. Players should consume plenty of fluids with their meals and continue to hydrate during the game.

In conclusion, following the advice of professionals like Leslie Bonci and adopting the nutritional practices of successful teams like the Kansas City Chiefs is a crucial step in ensuring optimal performance for football players during games. Proper nutrition and hydration, as well as carefully timed pre-game meals, will provide the energy and endurance athletes need to succeed on the field.